
Say It Now wins Amazon’s UK and European “Alexa Cup”

Tuesday, February, 1st 2022

2019 Marks the inaugural year of Amazon’s “Alexa Cup” a global competition to seek out the best skills (voice apps) that can be produced for the Alexa platform. The competition was invite only for the most promising businesses pushing forward the Voice landscape. In the UK heat mid June Say It Now beat an excellent […]

Will Voice be a Game Changer for TV and OTT?

Monday, January, 31st 2022

We were recently asked by Video Ad News for our opinion on the impact and opportunities for Voice in the TV and OTT as we start to see more voice controlled TV’s. Read the full article here.

Working with Voice and chat bots over the last 4 years

Saturday, January, 29th 2022

Talking through where we are in the Hype Cycle and what we have leaned in travel with brands like Marriott Charlie was invited to deliver the Keynote at “Buy Tourism Online” on our experience in working with conversational interfaces in the travel and tourism industries. Watch the full video here or see the slide deck […]