July Newsletter
Full Roundup of everything we can see from the Say It Now vantage point SUBSCRIBE HERE FOR FUTURE NEWSLETTERS
We’ve got a packed episode this month with a new case study from OVO Energy (full video here, slides below), new campaigns for Subway, JD Williams and an awesome sampling campaign for new Persil Wonderwash (Unilever). Your invitation to see us talking with AudioStack about ‘AI in Audio and CTV’ in Cannes, a recent interview about ‘micro-negotiations’; but before we get into all that, there’s been a load going on in tech over the last month, setting the scene for a new dawn of voice agents…
This Monday, Apple gave Siri a massive upgrade, last month Open AI, Google and Amazon all showed how they are upgrading their voice assistants, in many cases changing their name to ‘AI Assistants’. This all aligns with our vision of a voice enabled future and our mission of making it possible to ‘engage with every advertising message using your voice’.
These announcements will take some time to properly launch and make their way to everyday behaviours but the stand has been set. We play into today’s consumer behaviour (E.g. 19% YoY increase in radio listening on smart speakers) and are ready and excited for what’s coming, just listen to any of our interviews.
What a time to be alive.
As ever, please get in touch if you’d like to dig deeper, we’re pretty approachable!
Charlie Cadbury, CEO

Alexa, Launch Subway UK
50% of foot longs for the month of June! To get your discount just say “Alexa, launch Subway UK”.
Subway are running a mega offer, activated using their first foray into actionable Ads®.
Find out more and listen to the creative here or try for yourself by saying “Alexa, launch Subway UK” now!

Alexa, Launch JD Williams
We have partnered with JD Williams to launch their first Actionable Ad®.
This campaign gets you excited about the prospect of summer, by engaging you can find out more about the latest fashion and receive a link to your phone to prepare yourself for summer from fashion to home-ware items.
Test it out, say “Alexa, Launch JD Williams.”
Click here to listen to the audio ad and find out more

Alexa, Launch Persil Wonderwash
Get your sample of the new Persil Wonderwash now!
Our latest campaign in partnership with the sampling superstars at SoPost demonstrates how voice sampling can be done through Actionable Ads®.
After saying “Alexa, Launch Persil WonderWash,” request a sample of Persil’s Wonder Wash product, straight to their doorstep.
We can even continue the conversation with the consumer when the sample arrives with a voice lead product experience that can end up with the full product being purchased.
Please get in touch if you want to put a sampling campaign together?

Cannes, AI in audio and TV
Our very own Commercial Director, Zoe Bruton, will be speaking at AudioStack’s event on Monday afternoon all about ‘AI in audio and TV’.
If the event is not yet sold out grab your ticket here. If you’d like to grab some time with either Zoe or Charlie in Cannes this year, please reply to this mail and we’d love to chat.

Tuning In – OVO Energy Case Study
At Radiocentre’s ‘Tuning In’ event in Manchester last week we took the stage to offer an industry landscape update (including some of the AI insight mentioned above) before handing over to the awesome Sam Austin from our partner, Goodstuff, who gave an awesome deep dive on the recent (awards winning) OVO Energy campaign.
You can see all our slides from the event here and the full video of the session here

Deal Diva’s Podcast “Micro Negotiations”
Charlie Cadbury was recently a guest on Deal Diva’s Podcast.
He talks through his experiences negotiating as a CEO, the importance of micro negotiations and what’s coming next in the world of voice and AI agents.