Say It Now launches Voice Marketing Benchmarking Report – make your media spend go further

Thursday 15th June 2023 saw a hand picked selection of industry leaders come together at Amazon’s UK headquarters in London to see Say It Now launch the first voice marketing benchmarking report.

The report dives into:

  • Market landscape and consumer adoption
  • Voice Through Rates (VTR)
  • Industry best practices
  • Optimisation strategies

Actionable Audio Advertising uses existing audio ad inventory and uses a voice CTA to enable a simple voice lead interaction via a smart speaker like Alexa.  These engagements can be tracked delivering a real-time view of campaign performance.  This information can be used to inform in-flight optimisation strategies which makes existing media spend work harder.

Say It Now has been running actionable audio campaigns since 2020 and have brought its wealth of proprietary data together to deliver this first-of-its-kind benchmarking report.  This is to support their customers in planning campaigns to range the types of outcomes they are able to drive towards and educate on best practice and optimisation strategies to maximise VTR and campaign goal outcomes.

To access the full report and unlock the secrets to maximising your media spend, download here now. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to transform your voice marketing strategy and stay ahead of the competition. Download the report and make your brand heard today!

Who are Say It Now?

We make your existing media spend go further

We deliver you a real-time dashboard for you to understand how your customers are engaging with your audio or CTV campaigns.

We do this by adding a voice CTA with your existing creative encouraging them to engage with the campaign message via their smart speaker (e.g. Alexa, open Pizza Hut).

The creative carries our tracking pixel so we offer you a real-time dashboard to see campaign performance in real-time so you can make in-flight optimisation.

This opens another channel for your audience to engage and valuable data to make your existing media spend work harder.