July Newsletter

It’s been such a busy month. So much IRL we feel we’ve seen so many clients, partners, and industry friends, which we find so energising.  After all, it’s all about the people and we love a good conversation!

As the summer bears down, let’s reflect on some recent news.  What have we done over the past 4 weeks?

++ so much more, some of which are covered below.

If our paths didn’t cross over the past few weeks, sorry to miss you!  

Always open to a chat, don’t be a stranger,


Charlie Cadbury, CEO


MAD//FEST was absolutely phenomenal last week!

Winning the brand challenge for Wickes after Maria Cadbury delivered a pitch that put pulverised our peers was the highlight of our week!

The conference felt different from last year.  There was a capacity crowd and it felt like we had 10x more people coming to seek us out this year.  It was great to catch up with so many clients and partners.

Thanks so much to everyone who stopped by our picnic table! If you missed us please get in touch!

Alexa, Open Boots

“Alexa, Open Boots” went live middle of last month!

Boots know people are getting ready for summer and holidays, they are running several summer offers. Tapping into the world of Actionable Ads was the ideal way for Boots to expand their brand awareness and reach the right customers.

Test it out, say “Alexa, Open Boots” to your smart speaker, or click below to read more, hear the audio ad and Alexa experience.

Website Revamp

Our website got a makeover recently.

Make sure to have a tour around, see what’s new and get in touch with any feedback.

Welcome Lance

Ex-Amazon Business Development lead Lance Charlish joins us as a Board Advisor to input on the view from Seattle and hyperscaling.

The Podcast Show

Maria Cadbury was at The Podcast Show in May! She discussed innovation within the podcasting space.

Say It Now Skill

Test it out with your smart speaker now and see what we have in store!

Just say

“Alexa, Open Say It Now”

or click here.

Alexa, Open Warner Hotels

Say It Now and Warner Hotels

Warner Hotels have launched its first Actionable Audio Ad.

To promote their unique hospitality offering. Warner Hotels are reaping the benefits of Actionable Ads to reach a wider range of potential customers.

Test it out, say “Alexa, Open Warner Hotels.”

Or click below to read more, hear the audio ad and Alexa experience.

Benchmarking Report

June held a special place in our hearts as we launched the first edition of the ‘Voice Marketing Industry Benchmarking Report.’

The report covers the current landscape of the industry, consumer engagement, optimisation techniques, and the overall industry adoption.

We will be doing this again in November and quarterly thereafter.