
Voice – from crap wizard to personalised genie

Wednesday, August, 7th 2019

This year’s Cog X (the Festival of AI and Emerging Technology) provided me with my current favourite quote. Grace Boswood Karthi, COO for the BBC’s Design and Engineering team, noted that we’re in ‘the crap wizard’ phase of voice – meaning that, while we know that our smart speakers can do a lot, we don’t know the ‘spells’, the right words to say to make ‘Alexa’ or ‘OK Google’ do the thing.

For many, the assistants are limited to delivering simple tasks, a ‘glorified switch’ if you like that lets people turn lights on and off and select music to play without having to press any buttons.  It’s a bit like the early days of computing when there was only a blank command line and users needed to know what to type to produce any meaningful results.

However, voice differs

10 Reasons 2019 Is The Year Of The Chat Bot Or Voice Bot – Featuring 10 INFO-GRAPHICS

Monday, January, 14th 2019

This is all about communication.

The ability to convincingly communicate puts you ahead of the rest.

Automated, constantly improving, communication systems deliver great power and influence.  However, are the people of planet earth ready to use these systems?  Are we ready to trust chat bots and voice bots?

As with any new communications channel

The Future Of Communication Between Brand & Customer

Thursday, December, 13th 2018

Charlie was recently asked to appear on ‘The Botcast’ podcast to talk through his experience and share some thoughts on how brands should think about voice and chat bots for conversational commerce, conversational SEO and shifting consumer behavior.

5 Predictions for Voice in 2019

Tuesday, December, 4th 2018

Bixby, Apple, speed and 500 million voice enabled devices. Where do all these fit into our view of the voice landscape in 2019?

Charlie was recently asked to give some predictions for voice in 2019 by MItra Sorrells who had interviewed him earlier in the year for a Phocuswire Feature. Here are our top 5 predictions for the voice landscape in 2019:

1) New entrants: S